Mindful Monday: 5 Minutes to Embrace your week.
5-MiN Mindful Meditation: Embracing the New Week
Find a comfortable position: Sit upright in a chair or on the floor. Close your eyes gently, or soften your gaze if you prefer to keep them open. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling slowly through your nose and exhaling completely through your mouth.
Notice your body: Spend a moment feeling the ground beneath you, the way your clothes rest on your skin. Wiggle your toes and fingers, then let them relax. Acknowledge any tension you might hold in your shoulders, jaw, or brow. Let it go with each exhale.
Setting the tone for the week: Bring your awareness to the start of this new week. Imagine a fresh page in a notebook, crisp and clean. What kind of week do you want to write? Perhaps it's filled with productivity and focus, or maybe it's a week for creativity and joy. Breathe in this intention, letting it fill your lungs and settle in your heart.
The power of now: Now, bring your attention to the present moment. This is the only moment we truly have control over. Release any thoughts about the weekend that has passed, or worries about the days ahead. Feel the steadiness of your breath, the rhythm of your heartbeat.
Gratitude for a new beginning: Take a moment to appreciate the opportunity this new week presents. It's a chance to start fresh, to make new choices, and to connect with the things that matter most to you. Feel a sense of gratitude for this chance to begin again.
Mindful movement (optional): If you'd like to incorporate some movement, slowly roll your head in circles, feeling the stretch in your neck. Stretch your arms overhead, reaching for the sky, then gently fold forward with a rounded spine. Take a few mindful steps, feeling the ground connect with each footfall.
Bringing it back: Gently return your focus to your breath. Notice how it has calmed and steadied throughout this meditation. Take a final deep breath in, filling your body with renewed energy and purpose. When you're ready, open your eyes and step back into your day, carrying the intention you set for the week ahead.
Remember, even five minutes of mindful meditation can make a big difference. As you go about your week, take moments to check in with yourself, to breathe deeply, and to refocus on your intentions.
Mindful Mondays - June 13, 2022
Mindful Monday - 01 - June 13, 2022
Here we are back at it again. Before you get a case of “the Mondays” take a few moments to pause, breathe, and observe your surroundings before moving on with your Monday. So often we get stuck on predicting what the week will be like before we even get into the minutia of it. I hope you can take the next few minutes to mindfully start and take a mindful present approach to moving through the beginning of your week.
To help support you through his mindful moment check out this video through the AIMS Course to help you start with your breathe. Enjoy and Happy Monday!
AIMS COURSE - Deep Breathing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBjXX-eIuwo