Mindful Monday: Find your focus.
Finding Your Focus: A Quick Mindfulness Practice
Happy Tax Day Everyone! Don’t forget to file your taxes for 2023, ask for that extension, and even add paying your 2024 quarterly taxes. Here is a dash of mindfulness to help us get through the Monday Blues on this Tax Day. Let's create some space for clarity and intention setting. Use this simple mindfulness practice, inspired by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), to help you reconnect with your present moment and what matters most.
Mindfulness Practice (30-60 seconds):
Find a comfortable position, sitting or standing. Close your eyes or soften your gaze. Take a few slow, deep breaths, feeling your belly rise and fall with each inhale and exhale. Now, gently bring your attention to your bodily sensations. Notice any tension, aches, or simply the feeling of your body against the chair or floor. Observe any sounds you hear, whether it's traffic outside or the gentle hum of a refrigerator. Don't judge these experiences, simply acknowledge them. Finally, bring your awareness to your thoughts. Are they swirling or calm? Let them float by like clouds without getting caught up in them.
Reflective Question:
As you come back to the present moment, take a moment to consider: What do I want to truly focus on and cultivate this week?
Closing Thoughts:
By taking a mindful pause and setting intentions, you empower yourself to navigate the week with a clear head and heart. Remember, even small moments of mindfulness can make a big difference.
So, breathe, reflect, and let's make this week a mindful one!
Embrace the Power of Mindfulness: a Mindful Monday Moment
Hey there,
Today, I want to dive deep into a topic that has the potential to have a deep impact on our lives —one breath at a time. It's the art of mindfulness, a practice that transcends the noise of our fast-paced world, inviting you to discover the stillness within.
What is Mindfulness, Anyway?
Mindfulness is like a gentle whisper in the midst of chaos. It's the art of being fully present, of immersing yourself in the current moment without judgment. It's about appreciating the beauty of now—the way the sunlight dances on your skin, the melody of the raindrops, the taste of your morning tea or coffee.
Why Does Mindfulness Matter?
In our quest for success and the pursuit of tomorrow's dreams, we often forget to savor today. Mindfulness is your ticket to the present, sometimes an antidote to anxiety, and a path to inner peace. It rewires your brain, reducing stress, improving focus, and nurturing emotional well-being.
Practical Mindfulness for Everyday Life
1. Morning Mindset Reset: Begin your day with a few moments of stillness. Breathe in gratitude, exhale stress. Set your intentions for the day ahead.
2. Breath as Your Anchor: When you feel overwhelmed, return to your breath. Inhale deeply, exhale fully. It's your lifeline to calm amidst chaos.
3. Mindful Breaks: Throughout your day, take short mindful breaks. Step outside, feel the earth beneath your feet, and soak in the present moment.
4. Gratitude Journal: Before you sleep, jot down three things you're grateful for. It's a reminder of life's precious gifts.
Mindfulness as a Lifestyle
Mindfulness isn't just a practice; it's a way of life. It's about embracing every experience with open arms, savoring each moment, and cherishing the lessons within. As you walk this path, remember that it's not about perfection; it's about progress.
So, let's embark on this beautiful journey together. Let's choose to be fully present, to find peace in the midst of chaos, and to discover the magic in the ordinary. You have the power to rewrite your story, to live mindfully, and to savor the beauty of each moment.
As you embrace mindfulness watch as it transforms your life, one mindful breath at a time.
Stay mindful and present.
Zack Reed-Fier, LPCC
P.S. This mindful moment for this Labor Day Monday was inspired by readings, teachings, and clips from Depok Chopra, Dalai Lama, and Jay Shetty. Mindfulness is a practice and can look different for everyone, the key is to find your process and start practicing.