Mindful Monday: Find your focus.
Finding Your Focus: A Quick Mindfulness Practice
Happy Tax Day Everyone! Don’t forget to file your taxes for 2023, ask for that extension, and even add paying your 2024 quarterly taxes. Here is a dash of mindfulness to help us get through the Monday Blues on this Tax Day. Let's create some space for clarity and intention setting. Use this simple mindfulness practice, inspired by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), to help you reconnect with your present moment and what matters most.
Mindfulness Practice (30-60 seconds):
Find a comfortable position, sitting or standing. Close your eyes or soften your gaze. Take a few slow, deep breaths, feeling your belly rise and fall with each inhale and exhale. Now, gently bring your attention to your bodily sensations. Notice any tension, aches, or simply the feeling of your body against the chair or floor. Observe any sounds you hear, whether it's traffic outside or the gentle hum of a refrigerator. Don't judge these experiences, simply acknowledge them. Finally, bring your awareness to your thoughts. Are they swirling or calm? Let them float by like clouds without getting caught up in them.
Reflective Question:
As you come back to the present moment, take a moment to consider: What do I want to truly focus on and cultivate this week?
Closing Thoughts:
By taking a mindful pause and setting intentions, you empower yourself to navigate the week with a clear head and heart. Remember, even small moments of mindfulness can make a big difference.
So, breathe, reflect, and let's make this week a mindful one!